'All of us - the tournament pro slinging rubber frogs in the Delta, the 7X-match-the-hatch purist on the Henry's Fork, the steelhead bum, the permit junkie - speak "the universal language of fishing." And that, I think, is where hope lies for the Delta, and for that matter, a lot of other places as well. If we can step beyond our prejudices about tackle, technique, and species, and actually work together, we have a chance to force the kind of drastic change needed to save what we love.' -Dylan Tomine, Headwaters
The Torrent needs you!
Have an environmental or fly fishing related issue you want to share? Issues with your favorite river? Proposed development in a sensitive area? Volunteering opportunity for habitat rehabilitation? Tell us about it! This is not a witch hunt or a place to whine - but somewhere to deliver objective information. Even better if you have a way to help. There is a lot of doom and gloom out there - but don't forget the silver lining.
Use the contact page or email thetorrentflyfishing@outlook.com

Saving the remarkable Una River - how you can help
- Salish Sea salmon farms deadline extended in BC

Florida Keys Tarpon depredation from sharks
- Saugeen River, ON, dam removal benefits steelhead
- Water temps critical for post-release Atlantic salmon survival
- May Vids: LAKES - Scottish Pike, Canadian Rainbows and Brookies, U.S. Rocky Mountain Cutts
- Small Fry: Mayflies, Coastal Cutthroat & Fish Tails

April News: California Steelhead, Canadian Mine Pollution, NZ Water Quality, Norwegian Sea Trout, Australian Bass, Canadian Grayling. See it all here.
April Video Mix: ANADROMOUS FISH - Fly fishing for: BC steelhead, Irish Atlantic salmon, US coatal cutts & coho, UK sea trout. See them all here.
Small Fry: Brook trout, Crayfish and Trophic cascade

November Video Mix: Dams, Joe Humphreys, Contradictions - see them here!
Salmon have returned to Vancouver urban streams - see here
Special: remembering Eric Olsen

For all of your technical needs on Australia's Fraser Coast, The Torrent recommends: